
Automating User Interfaces with Studio

This RPA Developer FastStart course is meant to take you through the user interface automation capabilities of UiPath.
  • 6588 enrolled students
  • October 25, 2023
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Automating User Interfaces with Studio

  • 05:00:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • Diploma of Completion included
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Course details

Difficulty Level




Completion time


Product covered

Product alignment 

This course was built using the 2020.10 product version of UiPath Platform and is applicable to newer versions as well.


RPA Developers with relevant experience with other RPA tools, as well as other Experienced Developers

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Choose the input method that is suitable for your automation context.
  • Customize the properties of the input actions to increase the reliability and effectiveness of your automation.
  • Use the output actions that fit the specifics of the applications and processes that you are automating.
  • Use the AI Computer Vision feature.
  • Maximize the reliability of your automation by using the most appropriate activities to identify UI elements.
  • Explain what selectors are and how they work.
  • Describe how to explore the attributes of User Interface element.
  • Fine-tune selectors to improve element identification precision.

Course agenda

1. UI Automation Basics

  • How Does UI Automation Work?
  • Input Methods and Activities
  • Output Methods and Activities
  • UI Element Synchronization
  • The AI Computer Vision
  • UI Automation Practice

2. Fundamentals of Selectors

  • Introducing Selectors
  • The UI Explorer
  • Selectors Practice

3. Selectors - Advanced Concepts

  • Fine-tuning Selectors
  • Managing Difficult Situations
  • Enhanced Selectors

4. The Two UI Automation Experiences - Classic and Modern

  • Introducing the Classic and Modern Design Experiences
  • Enabling the Modern Design Experience