
Decisions, Iterations and Scenarios in StudioX (v2020.10)

This course covers workflow control methods in UiPath StudioX, including decisions, iterations and scenarios. Learn more with UiPath Academy.
  • 41261 enrolled students
  • October 25, 2023
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Decisions, Iterations and Scenarios in StudioX (v2020.10)

  • 01:00:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • Diploma of Completion included
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Course details

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Product covered


About the UiPath StudioX Decisions Course  

This course offers an introduction to the decision activities in UiPath StudioX, then goes into at the ways of working with Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX. This course explains how to use ‘If’, ‘For Each’ and ‘Switch’ activities in StudioX to evaluate decision points, iterate though elements, and see whether one or more outcomes can occur. The Decisions, Iterations and Scenarios in StudioX course is aimed at beginners. It takes one hour to complete. At the end, you will receive a diploma of completion.  

Product alignment: This training was built using the UiPath StudioX 2020.4 product version and is applicable to newer versions as well. 


Course Prerequisites 

Before taking this course, you should complete the following courses: 

  1. Build Your First Automation with StudioX
  2. User Interface Automation with StudioX
  3. Word Automation with StudioX


Course Audience 

This course is aimed at business users looking to use decisions and iterations in automations built with StudioX. 


Decisions, Iterations and Scenarios in StudioX Agenda 

The Decisions in UiPath course contains three sections, followed by a practice: 

  • Decisions
  • Iterations
  • Scenarios
  • Practice: Working with Multiple Templates


Decisions in StudioX Learning Objectives 

At the end of the Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX training, you should be able to: 

  • Use conditions in UiPath StudioX for instructing your robot to make decisions.
  • Make the robot repeat a set of actions.
  • Set the stage for multiple outcomes based on the value of one item.


The UiPath Decision Activity course introduces working with decisions in StudioX. Once you’ve completed this course, you can take additional courses to expand your knowledge in automation and StudioX. Explore Error Handling in StudioX, and File and Folder Automation with StudioX, or click the ‘Related Courses’ tab to see all your options for further learning.