
Get Started with UiPath Process Mining

What is Process Mining? How does scientific process discovery work? What are the roles involved in a Process Mining project implementation? If you need answers to these questions, look no further!
  • 51724 enrolled students
  • October 25, 2023
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Get Started with UiPath Process Mining

  • 01:30:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • Diploma of Completion included
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Course details

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Product covered

Process Mining

The business processes in a company—their effectiveness, how well they are documented and followed—have always been predictors of the company’s success. So, companies have always been committed to process improvement initiatives. Now, in the digital transformation era, it’s even more important to have a scientific approach to the discovery, improvement, and monitoring of business processes.

In this course, we’ll start by looking at the concept of process discovery and the two ways of doing it: the traditional, manual process discovery, based on the knowledge of individuals, and the modern, technology-led process discovery. We’re going to be introduced to the UiPath offering for process discovery, in the broader context of enterprise automation.

Finally, we’ll get to the basics of how UiPath Process Mining works, what processes we can mine with it, and the roles typically involved in a Process Mining project – from business users to process analysts and developers.


Course audience
This course is meant as an entry gate to process discovery and Process Mining. It is targeted for anyone in need of a quick introduction to Process Mining: Executives interested in implementing Process Mining in their organization, process analysts looking to enhance their skillset, and business users wishing to contribute to process improvement and automation initiatives.


Get Started with Process Mining - Learning Objectives
At the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Describe the role of process discovery in the context of digital transformation.
  • Differentiate between manual and technology-led process discovery, their benefits, and challenges.
  • Differentiate between the UiPath discovery products: Process Mining, Task Mining, Task Capture, and Automation Hub.
  • Identify contexts in which UiPath Process Mining should be used.
  • Describe how UiPath Process Mining works.
  • Choose processes that are suitable for discovery with UiPath Process Mining.
  • Describe the stages of a Process Mining project and the roles involved.


Get Started with Process Mining Course Agenda

  • What Is Process Discovery?
  • Manual versus Technology-led Process Discovery
  • Discovery with UiPath
  • What Is UiPath Process Mining?
  • When to Use UiPath Process Mining
  • How UiPath Process Mining Works
  • UiPath Process Mining and Automation
  • Project Mining Project Stages, Tasks, and Roles

You will receive a diploma of completion at the end of this course. You can advance on the path to Process Mining proficiency with the Process Analysis Fundamentals with UiPath Process Mining course. Or, if you want to find out more about RPA and enterprise automation, you can go for the Introduction to RPA and Automation course.