This course will help you to utilize the object repository for storing and managing the selectors or properties of UI elements. This approach allows you to effortlessly create automation workflows without the burden of memorizing or manually coding each element's specifics. As a result, the automation process becomes more straightforward, making it particularly beneficial for beginners in RPA.
This course was originally built using UiPath Studio version 2022.10, with updates reflecting changes in version 2023.10. We recommend using UiPath Studio 2023.10 to fully benefit from the latest features and improvements.
This is a two-hour course aimed primarily at Automation Explorers and Automation Developers.
Object Repository overview
Object Repository key concepts
Create and publish a UI Library
Use Object Repository with Recorders
Import and use a UI Library
Update a UI Library
Edit a Descriptor
Extract a UI Library
Object Repository best practices
Practice—Build UI Automation with Object Repository
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Explain what the Object Repository is and what its key benefits are.
Explain the Object Repository Structure.
Explain the key concepts in the Object Repository context: UI Descriptors, UI Elements, Screens, Applications, UI Libraries.
Create and publish a UI Library.
Import a UI Library in a project and use it to develop a process.
Explain how to update the Existing UI Library.
Describe how recorders are used in Object Repositories.
Extract a UI Library from an existing project.