
Introduction to Robotic Enterprise Framework (v2020.10)

In this course, we will learn what the REFramework template is, how and why we should use it.
  • 39073 enrolled students
  • October 25, 2023
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Introduction to Robotic Enterprise Framework (v2020.10)

  • 05:00:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • Diploma of Completion included
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Course details

Difficulty Level




Completion time


Product covered

Studio, Studio Pro, Orchestrator

Course prerequisites:

  • Basic programming knowledge
  • The RPA Developer Foundation learning plan
  • The State Machines course

Product alignment: 

This course was built using the 2020.10 product version of UiPath Studio and is applicable to newer versions as well.

Audience: RPA Developers 

Learning objectives

At the end of this course learners should be able to:

  • List the types of processes and clearly identify transactions to automate within the process.
  • Describe how the dispatcher/performer (producer/consumer) model can help in scaling processes.
  • List the benefits of using the REFramework template for production-ready automation projects.
  • Explain the key mechanisms which make up the REFramework template.


  • Process Types
  • Accessing and Reading Robot Execution Logs
  • Dispatcher & Performer (Producer & Consumer) Model
  • Introducing REFramework Template
  • Overview Story of the Process & The Main Workflow
  • The Initialization State & The Configuration File
  • The Get Transaction Data State
  • The Process &  End Process States
  • Execution & Logging
  • Exception Handling - System & Business
  • Concurrent Queue Consumption
  • Exercise  - The REFramework Elements