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UiPath AI Center Overview for Business Analysts

Are you interested in learning how to incorporate AI and machine learning (ML) models into your automations with UiPath AI Center? Find out by taking this course!
Difficulty level
Difficulty level
Content language
Content language
Product covered
Product covered
AI Center
Completion time
Completion time
51 minutes
About the UiPath AI Center Overview for Business Analysts course

This course introduces UiPath AI Center, the component for managing and deploying machine learning models in automated processes. 

It covers what AI Center is, how it works, who uses it, and the types of ML models that can be managed in AI Center. This course covers the deployment and installation options for AI Center, the types of problems that can be solved by deploying machine learning models in automated processes, and how the automation is set up using AI Center and UiPath Studio. 

It takes around 50 minutes to complete this course. At the end of it, you will receive a diploma of completion. 

Product alignment: This course is built using the UiPath AI Center 2021.10 product version and is applicable to newer versions as well.


To make the most of this learning experience, we recommend going through the following courses in advance: 

  • Introduction to Automation 

  • Explore automation development with UiPath Studio

Course audience

This course is aimed at Business Analysts or Project Managers looking for an easy introduction to the capabilities and interface of AI Center.

Learning objectives

 At the end of this course, you should be able to: 

  • Describe how AI Center works and the types of ML models it can manage. 

  • Differentiate between the available deployment options of AI Center. 

  • Recognize the types of problems that can be solved by deploying machine learning models in automated processes. 

  • Describe the process of creating ML projects in AI Center and the concepts related to AI Center.

Course agenda
  • What is AI Center? 

  • Deployment and installation  

  • Identifying use cases 

  • An end-to-end preview of AI Center

Get your diploma!Start the UiPath AI Center Overview for Business Analysts course.
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