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Variables and Arguments in Studio(v2021.10) (Nasscom Futureskills Prime)

Do you want to learn the basic units of storing information and how to use them between various activities and workflows in UiPath Studio? Then the Variables and Arguments in Studio course is for you!
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Completion time
Completion time
30 minutes
About the Variables and Arguments in Studio course 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio course is an intermediate course that introduces you to how data is collected, stored, processed, and passed between various activities and workflows in UiPath Studio. You'll learn how variables help us collect, store, process, and pass data within a workflow. You’ll learn about the various types of data and their conversion methods. You’ll also learn how arguments are used in UiPath and how the Invoke Workflow Activity helps us pass data between workflows. 

Product alignment: This course was built using the 2021.10 product version of UiPath Studio and is applicable to newer versions as well. 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio course prerequisites 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio course is intermediate level. Before you enroll, you should have completed the following courses: 

  • Basic programming knowledge 

  • Meet the UiPath Platform course 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio audience 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio course is a one-hour thirty minutes course. It is targeted at RPA Developers. 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio course agenda 

The agenda covers:  

  • Variables 

  • Data Types 

  • Invoke Workflow File and Arguments 

  • Arrays 

  • Practice – GenericValues 

  • Practice – Invoke Workflow File 

The Variables and Arguments in Studio learning objectives 

At the end of the course, you should be able to:  

  • Explain what variables are and what they are used for. 

  • Create and configure variables in an automation project. 

  • List the data types and apply the conversion methods of data types. 

  • Explain what arguments are and what they are used for. 

  • Use the Invoke Workflow File Activity to chain workflow execution and pass data through arguments. 

  • Differentiate between variables and arguments. 

  • Explain what arrays are and what they are used for.

Get your diploma!Start the Variables and Arguments in Studio(v2021.10) (Nasscom Futureskills Prime) course.
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