
Workflow Analyzer in Studio (v2020.10)

UiPath Workflow Analyzer validates the automation projects created by you and your colleagues in Studio. Workflow Analyzer enforces governance, ensuring all automations follow best practices.
  • 34670 登録者
  • October 25, 2023


Workflow Analyzer in Studio (v2020.10)

  • 00:40:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • 修了証が発行されます










About the UiPath Workflow Analyzer Course 

The UiPath Workflow Analyzer course helps you use the Workflow Analyzer in Studio. You will learn how to use UiPath Workflow Analyzer to make sure your files and projects follow the same standards and best practices. The course will also teach you about the settings and rules available in Workflow Analyzer and how you can use them to enforce governance for Studio users.  

The UiPath Workflow Analyzer course is an advanced-level course, requiring existing automation with Studio knowledge. It is a short course, taking 40 minutes to complete. Once you’ve finished, you’ll receive a diploma of completion.  

Product alignment: This course was built using the 2020.10 product version of UiPath Studio and is applicable to newer versions as well. 


Course Prerequisites 

There are no specific courses you need to have taken to enroll in the UiPath Workflow Analyzer course. However, as this course is advanced, you will need existing knowledge of RPA development. We recommend beginning with the RPA Development Foundation Learning Plan if you’re new to automation. 


Course Audience 

This course is aimed at RPA Developers looking to use Workflow Analyzer in UiPath Studio. 


UiPath Workflow Analyzer Course Agenda 

This course covers the UiPath Workflow Analyzer in Studio. The full agenda includes: 

  • An introduction to UiPath Workflow Analyzer 
  • Using the Workflow Analyzer for file and project analysis and validation 
  • How to enforce governance and ensure automation best practice 


UiPath Workflow Analyzer Course Learning Objectives 

At the end of the UiPath Workflow Analyzer course, you should be able to: 

  • Explain the functionality of Workflow Analyzer. 
  • Run Validation and Analysis at file and project levels. 
  • Configure Workflow Analyzer settings and rules. 

 This advanced course covers how to use the Workflow Analyzer feature in UiPath Studio. Once you’ve completed this course, there are similar courses you can take to expand your knowledge in RPA and Studio. Explore Activity Project Settings in Studio or Attended Automation Features in Studio. You can also click the ‘Related Courses’ tab to see all your options for further learning.