Learning Plans

Automation Solution Architect Training

Aspiring to become an Automation Solution Architect? Well, you're in the right place! The Automation Solution Architect learning plan is designed for you!
  • 3862 enrolled students
  • January 30, 2024
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Automation Solution Architect Training

  • 052:05:00
  • Downloadable resources available
  • Diploma of Completion included
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About the Automation Solution Architect training

Welcome to the Automation Solution Architect training—a curriculum designed for those aspiring to excel in designing efficient automation solutions. Whether you're looking to step into the role of an Automation Solution Architect or enhance your skills in automation with UiPath, this learning plan is your gateway to success. 

This learning journey is not just for UiPath enthusiasts; it's also a valuable resource for individuals already in Solution Architect roles in different technologies, aiming to elevate their automation expertise. 

Dive into the core of Automation Solution Architecture with a focus on UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology, spanning from project kickoff to deployment. Immerse yourself in crucial topics such as Use Case Introduction, Business and Technical Validation, Process Analysis, Solution Design, Automation Development, Testing, UAT, and Hypercare. 

Discover the various parts of the UiPath Platform delving into components like Document Understanding Process, UiPath Automation Ops, UiPath AI Center, Automation Hub, and more.  

The goal? Equip yourself with the skills needed to thrive in the evolving landscape of Automation Solution Architecture. 

This comprehensive training is designed to be completed in approximately around 54 hours, offering thorough preparation for the UiPath Certified Professional Automation Solution Architect Professional. 

Your success doesn't just stop at knowledge acquisition; upon successfully completing the Automation Solution Architect training, you'll be awarded a well-deserved badge. Don't forget to share it on social media profiles and tag us with #UiPath, #UipathAcademy #UiPath Automation Solution Architect Training 

Ready to embark on this transformative learning experience? Let's get started!

Product alignment: This learning plan was built using the 2022.10 product version of UiPath Studio, Robot, and Orchestrator. It's applicable to newer versions as well.

About the Automation Solution Architect training audience

Automation Developer, Automation Solution Architect, Automation Developer - Document Understanding, Automation Developer - AI Specialist

Prerequisites for Automation Solution Architect Training

There is no hard prerequisite as such to take the training, but we recommend completing the Automation Developer Professional Training.

About the Automation Solution Architect training agenda

In this learning plan you'll get through the following topics:  

Automation Solution Architect Role Overview 

Automation Solution Architecture Fundamentals 

  • This course focuses on approaching each stage of the UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology, such as Kickoff, Business and Technical Validation, Process Analysis, Solution Design, Development and Testing, UAT, Deployment, and Hypercare, from an Automation Solution Architect's perspective.

Automation Implementation Methodology Deep Dive for Solution Architects

  • Automation Implementation Methodology Deep Dive for Solution Architects course overview
  • Use Case Introduction
  • Business Case and Technical Validation: Technical Feasibility Analysis and Effort Estimation
  • Process Analysis: License Estimation and To-Be Process Design
  • Solution Design: Create SDD and Technical Testing Plan
  • Automation Development and Testing: Automation Development Management and Code Review
  • UAT and Hypercare: Maintenance Plan and Knowledge Transfer

Meet the components of the UiPath Platform through the following courses.


  • UiPath Data Service
  • UiPath Apps
  • Apps VB Expressions - Advance Updates
  • UiPath Action Center
  • Orchestration Process
  • UiPath Document Understanding Overview
  • Build a Document Understanding Automation in Studio
  • The Document Understanding Process Template in Studio
  • UiPath AI Center Overview
  • Attended Automation Framework Triggers and Forms in Studio
  • Attended Automation Features in Studio
  • UiPath Test Suite Overview
  • UiPath Test Manager Overview
  • Get Started with Testing in Studio
  • Build Automations with Solution Accelerators


  • Automation Infrastructure Fundamentals
  • UiPath Automation Cloud
  • Manage the UiPath Platform
  • UiPath Automation Ops


  • Get Started with UiPath Process Mining
  • UiPath Task Mining Overview
  • UiPath Communications Mining Overview
  • UiPath Automation Hub Overview